
First-time admissions

Whilst Newtown Linford Primary School is an Academy, all admissions are managed for us by Leicestershire County Council (LCC).  Please visit their Admissions webpages for more information. The webpages explain how parents and carers should apply for a school place. Parents and carers have a right to express their preference, but this does not, in itself, guarantee a place at that particular school.

Children enter school at the start of the academic year in which they become five. There is one admission date per year, late August/early in September (ie when the autumn term begins).

Applications should be made by 15th January either online or by printing and completing a hard copy form, both available via the LCC link above. LCC will notify parents and carers of whether or not they have a place for the Autumn Term and we will then make contact soon afterwards to arrange induction into our school.

The notification date for the Autumn Term 2024 intake is 16th April 2024.

Mid-year (in-year) Applications

Applications for mid-year transfers to our school are also managed by Leicestershire County Council. Please read carefully the advice given on their webpages as it offers helpful suggestions to consider before a change of school may be necessary.

Bradgate Education Partnership schools participate in full with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated policy, which can be found here:

To discuss a visit to our school please contact the school office.

To discuss the application process please contact the Local Authority on 0116 3056684.

The Governing Body of Newtown Linford Primary School applies the regulations on admissions fairly and equally to all those who wish to attend this school. Please ensure you have read our admissions criteria before making an application.

Admission Policy Autumn 2024 v2

Admissions Policy 2025

Newtown Linford Catchment Map

Newton Linford Primary School Prospectus

School Admission Appeals

Bradgate Education Partnership schools use Leicestershire County Council’s appeals service to conduct their appeals.  The council’s procedure and timetable for appeals can be found here: