Absence Reporting

Lateness and Absence Procedures

Headteachers are now no longer able to authorise holidays taken during term time. However, they are able to authorise absences from school in exceptional circumstances. At Newtown Linford Primary School this is called Special Leave. If you need to apply for this please complete a Special Leave Form and return it the School Office. For more information please read our Attendance Policy.

Our Attendance levels are well above the national level and we strive for all our children to have a minimum attendance of 95%, with an aim of 97%. We monitor attendance very carefully with the help of BEP’s Attendance and Welfare Officer. We work in partnership with parents to ensure all children attend regularly to achieve their true potential.

Please also remember that we also apply the following:

“If a child is absent due to illness for a period of five school days or more, for this to an authorised absence, Newtown Linford Primary School will follow the Guidance on Applying Pupil Education Regulations. This will mean that additional evidence will be asked for, such as sight of prescription medications or a doctor’s appointment card, as it would be expected that such a long absence from school would necessitate a visit to the doctor.”

If this information isn’t provided by parents then the absence will be marked as unauthorised.

Reporting children’s absences

All absences should be reported via email or phone call by 8.30am on the first day of absence.

Further guidance on lateness and absence can be found within the attendance policy.

Do I Need To Keep My Child Off School?

Appendix 19 Recommended Absence Period For Preventing The Spread Of Infection

Penalty Notice Update For Parents August 2024