Welcome to

Newtown Linford Primary School

A word from Mrs Kennedy

“Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

Positive relationships are essential for any school to thrive. Being a village school we are distinctive in that as a staff, we know each and every child, what makes them tick, what they may need support with and what their strengths are. Small year groups mean that our children become more like family. Each year we watch the children leave our school having built outstanding relationships with one another. They will have developed tolerance, empathy, and a sense of humour along the way; skills which will be essential in all their future experiences.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. 
― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You’ll Go!

At Newtown Linford our goal is to offer children an excellent all round experience. We offer a relevant and exciting, broad and balanced curriculum, where children are encouraged to be independent, deep thinkers and make informed choices about their learning.  We consider skills of communication, Maths and English to be the foundation of our learning and we are extremely proud of the high standards our children achieve.

“Children are not things to be moulded, but are people to be unfolded.” 
― Jess Lair

We want your child to be able to go in whichever direction they choose, this is why we do whatever it takes to ensure your child achieves their full potential. Our staff team contains a great amount of expertise and drive; we really don’t think your child could be in better hands! We ensure that through quality first teaching all children can access the learning in our classrooms. Furthermore, we balance creativity, rigour and mastery in order that children are truly inspired and challenged in every lesson.

Alongside their learning, we ensure we provide a wide range of experiences, especially through educational visits, forest schools and music.  Children have the opportunity to take part in a variety of sporting activities and competitions, in fact we are well known for our superb sportsmanship and competitive spirit.

“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.” —Peter Drucker

It is a privilege to be the Headteachers of such a vibrant, successful, and friendly school. We recognise that we will be judged by how happy and successful your child is and rightly so. We will strive each day to ensure your child has an excellent experience here.

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