Local Advisory Board

As a school part of Bradgate Educational Partnership, The Local Advisory Board (LAB) works closely with the Board of Trustees (the Board) of the Multi Academy Trust. The LAB of each school will be composed, where possible, of a maximum of 11 members; comprising the Head Teacher and up to two staff members, up to four parent members and up to eight co-opted members. Potential members will satisfy the LAB that they have the requisite skills to effectively govern the school.

BEP’s Board believes that trust schools take responsibility for their own decisions and wishes to enable and support the LAB in acting as far as possible as if it were a single academy trust.

The Board sets out Terms of Reference for the Local Advisory Board and an appropriate Scheme of Delegation. These terms of reference and the scheme of delegation provide the framework within which the LAB shall operate. The Board may review and amend these terms of reference from time to time.

The Local Advisory Board for each academy and the Trust Board all sign up to a Code of Conduct (NGA) to ensure that honesty and integrity are at the heart of our governance. The Trust also lead termly meetings with all of the Chairs of Governors (CoGs) for the academies within the Trust, enabling all academies to give feedback to the Chair of Trust Board and the CEO.

Please feel free to come in and ask questions about the work of the Local Advisory Board. The Chair of the LAB can be contacted via the School Office. Requests for minutes of the LAB should also be made via the School Office.

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Please click on link above for information about our current LAB

Please contact LAB members via the school office.

The Structure of the Trustees of Bradgate Educational Partnership
can be found by clicking on the above link.

BEP Statutory documents can be downloaded from the Bradgate Education Partnership website under ‘About Us > Statutory Information’ or by using the direct link – www.bepschools.org/about-us/statutory-information.

BEP Local Advisory Board information can be found on the Bradgate Education Partnership website under ‘Our Schools > Governors’ or by using the direct link – www.bepschools.org/our-schools/governors.